The best kitchen appliances are usually made by the best and well known brands. In this instance we have the Waring Pro WT90B food warming tray suitable for setting on the countertop and powering up to keep food warm while you wait to eat it. It can be used for food warming while you wait to eat or for serving food that will be eaten buffet style.
It is a 400 watt professional food warming tray that can be used in the professional or home setting. You can easily control the temperature range from 155 to 200 degrees F so depending on what foods you have will depend on the temperature setting you have it on. The actual warming surface is stainless steel and will stay at the temperature you choose, and to make it easy to move the tray while it’s still hot, it has durable non-conducting handles to grab hold of. So you know when the tray could still be hot (or switched on) it has an easy to see power indicator light.
Because it is a low-profile food warmer it is easy to store with its slimline design measuring at 16-4/5 by 26-1/2 by 3-4/5 inches. Overall it’s simple design and great all round food warmer that supports holding chafing dishes or other dishes of your choice. It is advised not to just set food directly on the warmer. So maybe you can buy a chafing dish to set it on.
To buy yours click here.